Traditional Kitchens Meet Contemporary Style: Parallel Kitchen Design
The times demand efficacy from all aspects of life. And the demand is enforcing change in our living quarters as well. This includes smart furniture for bedrooms and drawing rooms as well as changing traditional kitchens to modular kitchens. A well-designed and equally equipped kitchen elevates the overall environment and provides a blissful kitchen experience. Modular kitchen designers work relentlessly to implement innovative ideas on kitchen layouts and therefore have offered customers a huge variety of modular kitchen designs that is applicable for all and specific floor spaces. This article is going to explain the advantages of such a unique kitchen layout known as parallel kitchen design that can incorporate well with any floor space of a kitchen.
1. Accessible Design
The design of a parallel kitchen is taken from the traditional kitchen designs and improved to give the design a time-relevance. The parallel kitchen design consists of two opposite-facing countertops fixed to the kitchen walls. Although from the looks of it, it may seem like the design is lacking space, on the contrary, the design provides adequate access from either side of the kitchen. A kitchen with a galley-type space can be excellently transformed into a parallel kitchen style where people can access from both sides leaving the entire cooking procedure undisturbed.
2. Sufficient Storage Capacity
The parallel kitchen design has sufficient spaces underneath the countertops that can be used as separate storage cabinets. Customers can store utensils, small electronic appliances, cereals, spices, and other kitchen items on the opposite side of the cooktop. As for the cooktop, gas cylinders, and wastebins can be set up under the cooktop and the gas burner respectively. The open spaces on the walls above the countertops can be changed into separate storage sections where jars, seldom-used utensils, and other important cooking items can be stored at the user’s discretion. This gives the user sufficient storage options to choose from.
3. Elaborate Kitchen Setting
The two countertops can provide the necessary space needed to elaborately spread out the kitchen work. One of the countertops can be used for cutting vegetables, washing dishes, setting up the plates for food, and setting up appliances such as mixer-grinder, toasters, microwave ovens, etc. The other countertop can be used to set up the gas oven for the final stage of cooking leaving a lot more empty sp the top so that the cooking process does not get hampered. The wash basin can be installed on either of the countertops depending on the choice of the consumer.
4. Hazardproof
The parallel kitchen design provides a secure environment while cooking. Various hazardous equipment can be set up separately to diminish the chances of any unwanted hazard occurrences. For example, the gas oven can be set up separately and away from the electronic appliances and especially out of reach for little children. Plug points can be installed far away from the water outlets to avoid electrocution. Chopping knives and other sharp objects can be kept carefully and separately to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed.
5. Less Space Consumption
The design of a parallel kitchen provides the advantage of less space consumption. This design can fit in the narrowest kitchen spaces. The parallel kitchen design is structured as a galley in a ship and hence takes up a lot less space than a usual kitchen. The floor space is only taken by the countertops, leaving a lot more space for unrestricted movement in the kitchen. People can move around freely and juggle between different cooking-related jobs with ease. This design is carefully curated to use less space and therefore is an automatic choice for modern households.
In this modern socioeconomic time, where availing of free space is a sign of luxury, people are more inclined towards space-effective designs and layouts in terms of kitchen designs. They are opting for modular kitchen designs to reinvent their homes. Several modular kitchen designing companies are working tirelessly to provide customers with the kitchen designs of their dreams with all the features available in this modern era. Designing smart kitchens for their customers and gaining a positive reputation in the process is their primary goal. Therefore, if any interested individual wants to understand the advantages of a parallel kitchen design, this article is going to help them navigate through all the confusion and help them take a better decision.
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